[Culturechat] Agendas

Vance Roy gigli.saw@dplanet.ch
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 22:03:24 +0100

Hi Nancy,

Agendas??? You bet your bippy that I have an agenda. Always have and 
hope I always will have one.

Below is your message along with two others that you wrote in times when 
you thought differently. Don't know why your views changed, but that is 
your business and not mine.

If I am one of the "gurus" that you mention, let me enlighten you a bit, 
if I may. I support Idyll (most of the time) because they gave me a new 
life through travel in an unique way. I research the issues that I put 
on the chat, I enjoy a new hobby with my pictures that I post, I learn 
new things about people, I see that some people never change, I make 
many new friends and a few enemies (everyone needs them). I know a lot 
of these Idyll "company" people, and I have known some of them for 20 
years. They are the most unselfish folks you can imagine.

I don't know who started Idyll's chats. I happened upon them several 
years ago. Since I live in CH, I enjoy the proximity to this country 
that few Americans have. I get to read the papers daily, I get to hear 
what the Swiss think frequently, and I get to live the life here. I see 
their conceptions and their misconceptions. It is no Utopia, but it will 
be my home until the crematorium calls. Yes, you are right, I am an 
American, and damn proud of my passport. I don't need to hear from you 
or anyone the malarkey about expats who don't live in the USA. The chats 
have evolved over the years for the better, I believe.

I have been called various things by people over the years. Sometimes 
deserved. Sometimes, I wish I had been quiet, but as one has heard, 
"life is no rehearsal". Anyone who has ever dealt with the public, knows 
that you can't please them all. My skin is thick, but I tend to hold a 
grudge. I don't like ill advised and unfounded crap like I see from you. 
If it stinks, there is only one thing to call it.

You say it is clear that the chats have other motives. I say that you 
need some wipes on your glasses if you think you see clearly. I don't 
claim to be 100% right on things all of the time. I may not always be 
"enlightened", but I think I am closer to the action most of the time 
than you.

Hope you have a grand life with other interests. Try to open your mind 
just a crack.
Your latest
Amen - a chat room would be more appropriate.

I stopped participating in Untour internet venues because it is clear 
that it is basically self serving.  The "gurus" who write regularly and 
the "company" people clearly have their own agendas for keeping this 
going. Many of their views are less than enlightened.

A message from you in my files.
RE: Recent trip to U.K.
"Nancy Ziegler" <dasabe@fast.net>
Sun, 4 Jul 1999 13:47:47 -0700

We were also in England and Scotland recently - 6/5 to 6/20.  Scotland is
remarkable. We did all our travel by car.  Their road system is definitely a
challenge.  I guess our frustration was with the fact that we really needed
a month to see all the beautiful places in this small country!  The Glen Coe
area was so beautiful, as was the area around Loch Ness and our "home base",
Loch Rannoch.
      We also went to Skye - yes, plenty of sheep, waterfalls, and fantastic
views.  The only disappointment there was that our second day was so rainy
and windy that we could not enjoy the rugged views of the area. We stayed in
a cottage that Flora McDonald and her family lived in for 7 years.
Interesting.  Rain followed us everywhere, but mostly off and on.  I guess
we were being repaid for our last 2 visits when we had not one drop of rain.
In spite of the rain we enjoyed every minute of our trip.  More castles,
lochs, and hills than you can imagine or keep straight in your memory.
      We visited St. Andrews and Stirling (both must), St. Abb's Head (a 
picturesque fishing village, a must for bird lovers), Fort Williams, Portree
on Skye, and many other small towns, nestled near lochs or mountains.  Our
visit to Edinburgh was, of course, interesting.  After so many days away
from hustle and bustle, there was some culture shock as Edinburgh has lots
of tourists and many of them American.
      The Scottish people are wonderful.  I rate my favorite visits to other
places by the people and Scotland is right up at the top.
	Our England portion included Chester (a must see town - up there with York
and Bath), Manchester (experiencing a Renaissance), the Lake District,
Northumbria and the north east coast (more castles) and Hadrian's Wall area.
	The most amazing thing to me about Great Britain is that such a great part
of Western history that we learn about through all our education, including
college, happened there.  For years we did all our traveling on the
continent and, just in the past 4 years have we visited Great Britain.  I
feel, now, like I am finally learning the history that I missed when I was
dozing through my Western Civ. lectures in college.
	Anyone interested in more about this trip or others, reach me at my email
address.  Happy to share and hear from others about their trips.

And another.

Thank you for all your info - so glad to see Idyllchat is revitalized.  I
was close to unsubscribing.  We must be a very thoughtful group since a few
grumpy members made us modify our behavior!

For those grumpy users (and some of us too) there are 2 things that work
really well with an email chat site.  1. the delete key and 2. the
"organize" feature of most email software, where the incoming emails are
funneled into a precreated folder based on certain heading criteria.
Lastly, there is definitely a misconception amongst some of us that we are
"downloading" when we are opening simple emails.  Some with attachments fit
that criteria but not all.  Thank you for the chance to give my little

Hope we get back to the old system. Want to hear points of view from others
not just one person.

Lastly, I've wanted to recommend a wonderful magazine to anyone who has an
interest in any German speaking countries (as well as the German heritage in
the U.S.) - "German Life". Untours advertises there.  The articles are
timely, balanced, and very interesting.  I read it every month - cover to

Since I was one of those guilty of replying individually (to Don Snyder
yet!), and there seems to be much agreement with "Don Snyder's
recommendation that letters be sent to everyone on Idyll Chat.  It used to
be such fun to read all the responses...", I'll repeat below, re: the Rhine
Tour (though now a bit long in the tooth (2 years):


Wonder what changed your mind? Could it be that you have less than 
adequate computer skills? One doesn't need a license for a computer, as 
one does to drive a car.

You remember the mention of the delete key and the organize feature to 
email that you made? Here is a new one: print; roll tightly; choose a 
favorite; you get the idea?

Vance Roy