[Culturechat] Barbara's English Class Celebrates in Giswil

broy@dplanet.ch broy@dplanet.ch
Thu, 15 Dec 2005 16:29:41 -0800 (PST)

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It's become a tradition in my English classes to have a party on the last evening of class. Last night, my Advanced English students arranged a special dinner at the Bahnhof Hotel Restaurant in Giswil. With an advanced reservation, a small group can eat in the restaurant's kitchen located in the basement. The meal is a surprise. The chefs choose the menu and the guests can watch their own meal (and everyone else's) being prepared. It was a delightful experience and very reasonably priced. Seven of us shared the cost which came to around 60 Swiss francs or about $48 each (including wine). It was an evening to remember. To see the pictures click on the link. Write to me directly if you have trouble viewing the pictures.

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						<div><strong>English Class Holiday Party in Giswil</strong></div>
(1 album)
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				It&#039;s become a tradition in my English classes to have a party on the last evening of class. Last night, my Advanced English students arranged a special dinner at the Bahnhof Hotel Restaurant in Giswil. With an advanced reservation, a small group can eat in the restaurant&#039;s kitchen located in the basement. The meal is a surprise. The chefs choose the menu and the guests can watch their own meal (and everyone else&#039;s) being prepared. It was a delightful experience and very reasonably priced. Seven of us shared the cost which came to around 60 Swiss francs or about $48 each (including wine). It was an evening to remember. To see the pictures click on the link. Write to me directly if you have trouble viewing the pictures.
				<div style="margin-top:20px;">- Barbara</div>
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