[Culturechat] Rick Steves Op-Ed

Vance Roy gigli.saw@dplanet.ch
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 19:04:53 +0200

On 27.10.2004, at 18:04, Gerald J. Clancy, Jr. wrote:

> This is a little scary, but I agree with virtually everything Vance 
> wrote, particularly the view that this is not a popularity contest.

That is scary-!! When I tried to register in RI as a Republican, I 
asked if I would be shot. When the Registrar didn't smile, it scared 
me. Turns out, there was not a Republican primary this year in RI (is 
there ever?). So, I registered as an Independent, which is what I am 
with my shorts off. They did send me all the ballots and my vote has 
gone over. Stifled that Barbarino big time!

I think the radical right should form a Bob Jones Party and let the 
flatus fly!

The two party system keeps the USA alive. When you have to collate 
several parties, it sucks. Example/: Spain, France, Germany, Italy, 
etc. My ballot had about six parties floating candidates for the 
presidency, but their strengths are negligible. That may not always be 
so, if the country remains so fragmented. Nader will look like a Sunday 
school teacher besides them.

Redeeming thought: next Tuesday, it will all be in the courts (again).

Vance Roy

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.