[Culturechat] Quality of Life in Denmark

Hal Taussig HT@untours.com
Wed, 23 Jul 2003 15:15:59 -0400

I invite idyllchat readers to read about Denmark, by opening 
culturechat.  For the cultural stuff, sart with the Westexas entry on 
7/22., but give my entry of 7/23  some special attention. Or skip all of 
the abstractions about cultural issues and go to my second paragraph (2nd 
of 3). I need  your suggestions.

At 06:16 PM 7/22/03 -0600, Marlene Rodgers wrote:
>Quality of life
>Denmark is a country which offers a high quality of life
>Quality of life is not only a matter of material wealth, but also depends 
>to a great extent on the social and political circumstances of a country.
>According to the University of Pennsylvania's studies of different 
>countries' ability to satisfy their inhabitants' social and material 
>needs, Denmark is the best country to live in. The studies show that the 
>countries that invest the most in human and economical progress are the 
>ones that rank highest.

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