[Culturechat] Denmark: A Case Study in Social Democracy (From Mises Institute)

Gerald J. Clancy, Jr. jclancy@billtrak.com
Tue, 22 Jul 2003 14:53:46 -0400

At 10:57 AM 7/22/2003, WesTexas@aol.com wrote:
><<In conclusion, we can say that neither on crime, education nor health do we



A great piece. I've been to Denmark some four times and I remember that 
even back in my first trip to Copenhagen in 1965 the main bitch everyone 
had was the insufferable taxes. You couldn't have a beer with a local 
without the topic coming up sooner or later. There was almost little point 
in working or getting a raise, as the government took most of it.

Society has an obligation I feel to those who cannot fend for themselves, 
but there are limits to what a society can do. I remember the crackdown in 
this country on welfare a decade or so ago and remember wondering if it 
really would work. But it did. I think it hurt some people who did need the 
assistance but it got thousands off the dole. It was sometimes almost as 
profitable to get a social check than to get a real job. Generations got 
used to it.

It's a tough balance and this is a cautionary tale. Thanks for posting it.
