[Culturechat] Culture question

anton47@juno.com anton47@juno.com
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 09:17:25 -0500

Subject: culture question

It seems to me that Culture chat has moved away from its original
"charter". The prospect of war has something to do with a stage of US
culture but there are many other things of interest.
Is there an unbiased way to compare the standard of living of the
European countries we might visit? Their taxes may be higher but the
social services may be better. Tax on gasoline has its consequences such
as smaller cars. The governments may subsidize certain services. They may
have more vacation days but life is full of regulations etc, etc
Do they have different zoning rules? I remember a procedure in
Switzerland (at least 45 years ago) where the outline of a house to be
built was indicated with four long poles so that abutters could judge if
it interfered with their view. There was some process for not allowing
the building. This took place in the hills above Oberhofen with a view of
Lake Thun. Does it still exist? Some countries try to reduce strip
building along the highways and have various means to slow down traffic
in residential areas (Holland)