[Culturechat] Newsmax.com: It's True: 'Liberals' Wanted Saddam to Beat U.S.

WesTexas@aol.com WesTexas@aol.com
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 17:26:25 EDT

I couldn't find the original Salon article, so the Newsmax source, which 
cited a summary of the Salon article in the Washington Times, was the best 
that I could do on a Google search.  

The quotes from the Salon article are accurate, and the author of the 
article, Gary Kamiya, specifically said that he was not alone in wishing to 
see the U.S. military defeated.  Following is a direct quote from Kamiya:  
"I'm not alone: A number of serious, intelligent, morally sensitive people 
who oppose the war have told me they have had identical feelings."

In a previous post, the author of the "Iraqi IQ Test" equated the U.S.'s use 
of nuclear weapons at the end of WWII to Saddam's use of chemical weapons 
against his own people.    We of course were attacked by the Japanese, and 
the use of nuclear weapons saved the lives of probably hundreds of thousands 
of American servicemen and probably millions of Japanese citizens.   We also 
removed a military regime from power and installed a democratically elected 
government.  In contrast, Saddam used WMD to try to maintain his ruthless 
dictatorship.  Nevertheless, the author of the Iraq IQ Test sees no 
difference between the U.S. and Saddam in regard to WMD.  

In one of my posts, I cited a quote from a professor at Columbia.  Following 
is a copy of that post:

March 31, 2003, 10:20 a.m.
<<Last Wednesday, Columbia University assistant professor Nicholas DeGenova 
told the audience at a faculty-led antiwar teach-in that he wished "for a 
million Mogadishus" to visit U.S. soldiers fighting in Iraq.  U.S. patriotism 
is inseparable from imperial warfare and white supremacy," DeGenova also told 
the crowd, gathered in the rotunda of Columbia's famous Low Library. "U.S. 
flags are the emblem of the invading war machine in Iraq today. They are the 
emblem of the occupying power. The only true heroes are those who find ways 
that help defeat the U.S. military.">>  

What these three items--the Salon article, the Iraq IQ test and the news item 
 from Columbia--illustrate is the profound  moral bankruptcy of the left.  
There is not that much difference between Clinton's intervention in Serbia 
and Bush's intervention in Iraq.  But the left is reacting hysterically to 
Bush's intervention in Iraq, whereas they were largely silent or supported 
Clinton's action.   

In my opinion, the left is largely indifferent to the Iraqi war per se.   
They are however deeply threatened by Bush because he is in favor of greater 
human freedom and free markets.  To put it bluntly, there is not much free 
market demand for collectivists, and that is why Bush is so hated by the 
left, in both this country and around the world.  

Jeffrey Brown