[Culturechat] No thanks

Havodka@aol.com Havodka@aol.com
Tue, 30 Oct 2001 20:05:47 EST

I admire the strategy behind cranking up Culture Chat but please take my name 
off the list.  I have loved Switzerland since I was ten years old.  I love 
Idyll and its founder and all its people.  I've been to Provence and many 
other places.  In fact, I spent fifteen years filming unusual travel for 
American audiences.  For all of that, I can't help but wonder how many are 
interested in who gained weight from eating French food or who's landlady 
loved her gifts, or any of the other comments that sudenly inundate my PC 
screen.  I hear the announcement that I have mail only to discover four or 
more frankly boring statements from people who earnestly want to tell others 
about their experiences.  Call my attitude poor if that's how it seems to you 
but I want my mail announcements to be of their usual interest and not what's 
been coming in these last few days.  Thanks anyway but count me out.  As 
before, if there's something I want an opinion about, I'll politely ask.  But 
I'm not up for chatter.  Respectfully.  Harry Adriance