[Culturechat] Food, etc

Joe Tosolt joe.tosolt@untours.com
Thu, 01 Nov 2001 16:53:13 -0500

Should I be embarrassed to mention the time I was on my way to the opera in 
Prague, but had neglected to plan enough time for dinner. Oh, and in my 
defense, I'll also mention I was traveling alone, and what is more awkward 
than dining in public all by your lonesome self?

So my dinner that evening featured a Big Mac and fries, with Verdi for 
dessert. I think it's safe to say most Europeans would have opted to go 
hungry. But I, at least, remember thinking how neat it was to swing from 
one end of the cultural spectrum to the other in a matter of minutes.

But I have to say Europe rubbed off on me after a while, and I find it nice 
to really "enjoy" a meal once in a while. Hard to imagine spending a few 
hours on lunch daily, however.

Here's one aspect of Europe which I miss sorely here at home: dining 
outdoors. I know I'm not the only one who treasures the sidewalk cafes and 
restaurants which you find everywhere in Europe, but rarer in the U.S. than 
foie gras!

Anyone have a favorite outdoor restaurant in Europe? I think of this place 
in Vienna near Am Graben. A narrow street, music from street musicians 
wafting by on the air. And one of my favorite meals ever- venison stew.


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