[Culturechat] Re: Ill. Immig.

Vance Roy gigli.saw@dplanet.ch
Thu, 27 Apr 2006 10:02:35 +0200

> Hi Vance;
>  I am curious to learn how the Swiss view immigrants and what legal 
> rights the immigrants have there?
>  Here most of the immigrants have entered illegally, and I believe 
> that is the heart of the U.S. problem.  Of course this country is 
> attractive to Mexicans and others, but the heavy influx of immigrants 
> is changing our culture in significant ways.
> I'd appreciate having your perspective and info on Switzerland's 
> policies; if you wish it could go, on Culture.

A fellow Tennessean wrote me the above yesterday. Not being in the 
states, I am not sure of the gamut of feeling about this issue. I do 
know that the USA that I left 12 + years ago and the USA of recent 
times have changed a lot. On my visits there in several areas, it is 
evident that large areas have been "Hispanized". What the ratio of 
legal to illegal immigrants is, I do not know.

Since I am a long way from being an immigration lawyer, the following 
may not be totally accurate. The situation in CH regarding laws, etc. 
changes every year or so.

I think that any person who shows up here and can demonstrate that he 
or she is a victim of racial, political, or religious persecution can 
be offered asylum. Asylum people are housed and given a stipend of 
sorts. How long they stay depends on what happens in their home 
countries. A government change or a making of peace can lead to their 
being returned, often with some money to help them make a new start. I 
do not think that are allowed to work. I think that their children are 
able to go to school. Some have been here for years. I don't believe 
they are eligible for citizenship. A legal immigrant is eligible to 
become a citizen through the normal process, but sometimes, and in some 
places, that can be a real effort too because of bias.

Illegals are here also. Most of the time, they are sent back 
immediately if they are recognized. Again, I don't know the ratio of 
legals to illegals. I have been told that up to 70% of prison inmates 
here are not Swiss. Swiss prisons look pretty cushy to a person who has 
never had a decent bed and three meals a day with TV sets, exercise 
equipment, etc. It is true that crimes have increased. Most violent 
crimes seem to be between countrymen from the same countries or those 
that have been traditional enemies. Theft in some countries is a way of 
life and not socially frowned upon as here. It can affect anyone, Swiss 
or non-Swiss.

Swiss attitudes toward immigrants, legal or otherwise, varies just like 
in the USA. Conservatives say that "The boat is full". Liberals believe 
that the country is obligated to help any immigrant. Then the great 
middle ground has opinions on a mix of ideas. I have heard some rather 
moderate Swiss say, "It looks like there aren't any Swiss anymore".

Maybe Stefan could shed more light on this matter.

Vance Roy

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