[Culturechat] NPR on CH farm subsidies

Lee forstie@pitel.net
Tue, 18 Oct 2005 10:17:06 -0500


That was a fascinating and insightful report.  It appears that the Swiss
continue to keep their priorities straight, although it is not always easy.
When the NPR report opens with the sound of Swiss cow bells, one can
immediately visualize the scene.  

Thank you,

Lee Forstie

-----Original Message-----
From: culturechat-admin@untours.com [mailto:culturechat-admin@untours.com]
On Behalf Of Vance Roy
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 12:25 PM
To: culturechat@untours.com
Subject: [Culturechat] NPR on CH farm subsidies

Go to site and click on "listen". English but also CH dialekt.

> *Listen to this story*
> Please click on the headline to the story using a RealAudio or 
> WindowsMedia player.
> For players or technical support, please visit NPR's Audio Help page.

> <http://www.npr.org/help/audio/>.

Vance Roy

You always hear about organ donors but there's nary a mention of piano 
AJC Vent

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