[Culturechat] Still a foreign idea in CH

Vance Roy gigli.saw@dplanet.ch
Thu, 2 Dec 2004 15:24:33 +0100

This week in Barbara's English class, she was doing a game on word play.

There was a question that said, "What indian tribe do lawyers like?" 
The answer was Sioux (as in the Indian tribe). Not a single student 
(and these are school teachers themselves) had a clue as to what the 
word "sue" meant. Barbara tried to explain what usually happened in the 
USA when you were hurt or treated wrongly by another party. No go. They 
did not have the concept of suing someone. When you were hurt by some 
accident, had to go to the hospital, had doctor bills, etc., they 
answered that everyone had insurance for those things.

The concept of "pain and suffering", "loss of consortium", etc. does 
not compute in CH. Damage is done to you, insurance pays or the 
personal responsibility of the party doing the injury takes care of it.


Vance Roy
Autopsy, burn, and bury. Make sure he is gone.
Winston Churchill on the death of a political opponent.