[Culturechat] Wanted: Untour memories for Inside Idyll

Marilee Taussig marilee.taussig@untours.com
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 15:47:39 -0500

We are preparing the content for Inside Idyll, our publication that comes
out in January.....and we need your memories.&nbsp; We want to do justice
to some of the &quot;unheralded&quot; glories of Untours.&nbsp; We would
like to do it using customer's words.&nbsp; <br>
I would like to ask those of you who have been with us so many times for
some particular memories.&nbsp;&nbsp; If you remember any of the things
listed below with fondness, write a paragraph or so about your
experience.&nbsp; Send it to me, marilee.taussig@untours.com, and you
could be appearing in Inside Idyll!&nbsp; <br>
Do any of you have memories of these great landlords in 
<b>Frau Von Moos in Giswil<br>
Suzy Bartlome in Gwatt<br>
</b>These excellent apartments?<br>
<b>Le Chiuse farm in Tuscany<br>
The Abbesses apartment in the Montmarte section of Paris<br>
</b>Any memory that has stayed with you over the years from the
destinations below? <br>
Hasliberg (in the Swiss Heartland) <br>
</b>Or these activities: <br>
<b>Cheesemaking in Switzerland<br>
Taking a tour down the Danube with Herr Prieler<br>
Seeing the vintner's work on the Mosel (Rhine Untour) <br>
</b>Last but not least, if you have been lucky enough to loaf in these
locales, and learn to love them the way we have, we would love to hear
your thoughts: <br>
<b>The rocks in the river hiking in the Verzasca valley of Ticino<br>
The courtyards of your apartment in Portugal and Spain<br>
A cafe in Paris or Vienna<br>
A boat ride (the Seine, the Rhine, or maybe one of the unforgettable
lakes of the Swiss Alps) <br>
</b>Thanks a lot in advance, for helping us spread the word about the
&quot;unknown&quot; glories of an Untour by sharing your good
memories.&nbsp; If you have an &quot;unknown glory&quot; you would like
to nominate for recognition, feel free send that along,&nbsp; as well to
<a href="marilee.taussig@untours.htm">marilee.taussig@untours.com </a>
.&nbsp; Space is limited, so keeping the memories brief...a paragraph or two is great.&nbsp; Even a sentence is fine, if it captures that unforgettable moment. <br>

Marilee Taussig, <br>
Marketing Director<br>
Untours - Independent Travel With Support!<br>
Tel.: 888-UNTOUR-1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Web:
&lt;<a href="http://www.untours.com/" eudora="autourl">http://www.untours.com</a>&gt;<br>
Join IdyllChat, an email discussion group on European travel!<br>
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&quot;Most Generous Company in America, 1999&quot; awarded by
Own &amp; George magazine. For information on the Idyll Development<br>
Foundation, visit:
&lt;<a href="http://www.untours.com/idf" eudora="autourl"><font color="#0000FF"><u>www.untours.com/idf</a></font></u>&gt;</html>