[Culturechat] eight European states have issued a joint declaration of support for the United States

Vance Roy gigli.saw@dplanet.ch
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 08:32:37 +0100

Who would expect leadership from the French? Everyone knows that 
Schroeder's stance was only to win his re-election, and he has shamed 
himself by it. The Russians haven't gotten over the fall yet. I am all 
for government by the people, but have you evaluated some of their 
mentalities lately? A lot of them of them can't pound sand, much less 
run the VCR. Any of those reticent liberals out there care to comment?

On Freitag, Januar 31, 2003, at 04:52  Uhr, Ann Hartmann wrote:
> It is nice that some countries appreciate
> the kindness of America, instead of talking about how terrible we are! 
> I
> notice that no country ever refuses our help, but many are quick to 
> condemn
> us. Do we do everything right? Of course not, but I am still proud to 
> be an
> American, and am thankful that we have, and are able to help others.
> How about some more comments on this letter?
Vance Roy