[Culturechat] Fwd: Fw: Iraq IQ Test & Government Force

WesTexas@aol.com WesTexas@aol.com
Thu, 3 Apr 2003 23:35:26 EST

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I gather that the original author of this literary work was one Charles=20
Sheketoff, Executive Director OregonCenter for Public Policy (OCPP).  OCPP i=
a self-described liberal think tank that appears to be pretty much solely=20
dedicated to increasing government funding for social programs.   In other=20
words, in my opinion they are dedicated to using coercive government force t=
seize assets from one group of citizens for the benefit of another group of=20
citizens---instead of letting Americans voluntarily donate their time and=20
money as they see fit. =20

It seems odd that leftists around the world--including in Oregon--are so=20
sympathetic to one of the more repressive regimes in the world, but there is=
a connection.  Saddam Hussein and collectivists can't survive without the us=
of coercive force. In essentially every place where true collectivism has=20
been forced upon a populace, the government has had to force their citizens=20
to stay put, e.g., the former Soviet Union, the former East Germany, Cuba,=20
North Korea, etc.--whereas in the dastardly USA we have to station border=20
patrol agents to help control immigration INTO our country. =20

As an aside, I do find it odd that leftists in and out of academia attack th=
USA and our military in such vitriolic terms--safely within the borders of a=
land defended by that same military. It is indeed curious that boatloads of=20
leftist academics are not leaving the dastardly USA for the communist shores=
of Cuba.=20

The bottom line is that collectivists are threatened by freedom because ther=
is no free market demand for their "services."  Collectivists around the=20
world hate George Bush not because of the war in Iraq but because he is in=20
favor of greater human freedom and free markets. =20

What the war in Iraq is demonstrating pretty clearly is that underneath the=20
thin exterior of many leftists and collectivists is the soul of Joseph=20
Stalin.   There is no better example of the truth of that statement than the=
following excerpt of an item off Google News:=20

March 31, 2003, 10:20 a.m.
<<Last Wednesday, Columbia University assistant professor Nicholas DeGenova=20
told the audience at a faculty-led antiwar teach-in that he wished "for a=20
million Mogadishus" to visit U.S. soldiers fighting in Iraq.  U.S. patriotis=
is inseparable from imperial warfare and white supremacy," DeGenova also tol=
the crowd, gathered in the rotunda of Columbia's famous Low Library. "U.S.=20
flags are the emblem of the invading war machine in Iraq today. They are the=
emblem of the occupying power. The only true heroes are those who find ways=20
that help defeat the U.S. military.">> =20

The true irony of Professor DeGenova's comments is that Bill Clinton's=20
ill-advised decision to send poorly equipped troops into--and the subsequent=
humiliating retreat from--Mogadishu encouraged Bin Laden to attack the USA.=20=
Somehow I think that people will think twice about attacking the USA=20
again--at least while George Bush is president. =20

By the way, in case you missed it, following is an interesting news item: =20

<<WASHINGTON =E2=80=94 Evidence has been found in the Kurdish-controlled reg=
ions of=20
northern Iraq that the Islamic militant group Ansar al-Islam was working on=20
three types of chlorine gas and ricin and has ties to Al Qaeda, U.S.=20
officials told Fox News.>> =20
Jeffrey Brown

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><BODY BGCOLOR=3D"#ffffff"><FONT  style=
LANG=3D"0">I gather that the original author of this literary work was one C=
harles Sheketoff, Executive Director OregonCenter for Public Policy (OCPP).&=
nbsp; OCPP is a self-described liberal think tank that appears to be pretty=20=
much solely dedicated to increasing government funding for social programs.&=
nbsp;&nbsp; In other words, in my opinion they are dedicated to using coerci=
ve government force to seize assets from one group of citizens for the benef=
it of another group of citizens---instead of letting Americans voluntarily d=
onate their time and money as they see fit.&nbsp; <BR>
It seems odd that leftists around the world--including in Oregon--are so sym=
pathetic to one of the more repressive regimes in the world, but there is a=20=
connection.&nbsp; Saddam Hussein and collectivists can't survive without the=
 use of coercive force. In essentially every place where true collectivism h=
as been forced upon a populace, the government has had to force their citize=
ns to stay put, e.g., the former Soviet Union, the former East Germany, Cuba=
, North Korea, etc.--whereas in the dastardly USA we have to station border=20=
patrol agents to help control immigration INTO our country.&nbsp; <BR>
As an aside, I do find it odd that leftists in and out of academia attack th=
e USA and our military in such vitriolic terms--safely within the borders of=
 a land defended by that same military. It is indeed curious that boatloads=20=
of leftist academics are not leaving the dastardly USA for the communist sho=
res of Cuba. <BR>
The bottom line is that collectivists are threatened by freedom because ther=
e is no free market demand for their "services."&nbsp; Collectivists around=20=
the world hate George Bush not because of the war in Iraq but because he is=20=
in favor of greater human freedom and free markets.&nbsp; <BR>
What the war in Iraq is demonstrating pretty clearly is that underneath the=20=
thin exterior of many leftists and collectivists is the soul of Joseph Stali=
n.&nbsp;&nbsp; There is no better example of the truth of that statement tha=
n the following excerpt of an item off Google News: <BR>
</FONT><FONT  COLOR=3D"#999999" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2=
 FAMILY=3D"SERIF" FACE=3D"Times New Roman" LANG=3D"0"><BR>
March 31, 2003, 10:20 a.m.</FONT><FONT  COLOR=3D"#000000" style=3D"BACKGROUN=
D-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SERIF" FACE=3D"Times New Roman" LANG=
</FONT><FONT  COLOR=3D"#000000" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D3=
 FAMILY=3D"SERIF" FACE=3D"Times New Roman" LANG=3D"0">&lt;&lt;Last Wednesday=
, Columbia University assistant professor Nicholas DeGenova told the audienc=
e at a faculty-led antiwar teach-in that he wished "for a million Mogadishus=
" to visit U.S. soldiers fighting in Iraq.&nbsp; U.S. patriotism is insepara=
ble from imperial warfare and white supremacy," DeGenova also told the crowd=
, gathered in the rotunda of Columbia's famous Low Library. "U.S. flags are=20=
the emblem of the invading war machine in Iraq today. They are the emblem of=
 the occupying power. The only true heroes are those who find ways that help=
 defeat the U.S. military."&gt;&gt;  <BR>
The true irony of Professor DeGenova's comments is that Bill Clinton's ill-a=
dvised decision to send poorly equipped troops into--and the subsequent humi=
liating retreat from--Mogadishu encouraged Bin Laden to attack the USA.&nbsp=
; Somehow I think that people will think twice about attacking the USA again=
--at least while George Bush is president.&nbsp; <BR>
By the way, in case you missed it, following is an interesting news item:&nb=
sp; <BR>
&lt;&lt;</FONT><FONT  COLOR=3D"#000000" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff"=20=
=80=94 Evidence has been found in the Kurdish-controlled regions of northern=
 Iraq that the Islamic militant group Ansar al-Islam was working on three ty=
pes of chlorine gas and ricin and has ties to Al Qaeda, U.S. officials told=20=
Fox News.&gt;&gt;</B>  <BR>
Jeffrey Brown<BR>