[Culturechat] Puffing along on Lake Luzern

Vance Roy gigli.saw@dplanet.ch
Mon, 1 Jul 2002 10:55:37 +0200

In German, the word "Puff" means bordello. A recent article in a 
newspaper here announces the first floating Puff on the lake at Luzern. 
it seems that two enterprising housewives have established the first 
floating bordello in CH. They even have a website 

These ladies of the night begin work twice weekly on their power skiff 
at 8:30 in the evening and "welcome male visitors who seek a special 
erotic experience". The tariff is 1450 CHF (970.50 US$) for a "few 
hours" on board. There is a three client maximum. Up to five ladies can 
be made available.

It seems that business is booming, and they are considering putting a 
second boat into service. Apparently, this is the only such enterprise 
on all of the lakes in CH. You can't say that central CH isn't on the 
cutting edge. As far as I can tell, the Swiss Pass doesn't cover this 
transportation yet.

Vance Roy