[Culturechat] CH Smoking

Joan Herriges JoanHerriges@worldnet.att.net
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 11:05:33 -0700

Just got back from the Heartland last night and missed Vance's CH Smoking
message.  Will try to catch it in archives.  However--we were shocked to see
how much smoking has increased since our visit in 1999.  So many more young
people smoking.  There was a girl, no older than 14 buying cigarettes at the
Sachseln bahnhoff with lots of small coins.  Parents puffing away with
infants in their arms?  Just can't understand why they are ignorning the
health hazard.

We were very pleased that the larger Migros (Migressas) and Coop restaurants
have "no smoking areas".  The smaller Migros restaurants have areas for no
smoking but the next table might be "smoking".  The new Migressa in Spiez is
grand!  The vegetable buffets (guess I shouldn't  complain about too much
salt) in these restaurants are good for those worried about meat.  However
no one in Europe  mentions, or is the least bit concerned about meat.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Haggart <haggart@uidaho.edu>
To: gigli.saw@virtualnewport.com <gigli.saw@virtualnewport.com>; culturechat
Date: Monday, June 18, 2001 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Culturechat] CH Smoking

>We just got back from Germany and noticed that the number of young people
>smoking was considerable. We also noted that the price of a pack of smokes
>was less than what it costs in the USA. However, one bright note - our last
>evening in Berlin we had dinner out and the waitress actually asked if we
>wanted to be seated in smoking or non-smoking! Never happened before during
>our three weeks in Germany.
>Peter Haggart, Faculty Secretary
>University of Idaho
>Moscow, ID 83844-1106
>Office email: haggart@uidaho.edu
>Office home pages: http://www.its.uidaho.edu/facultysecretary
>                                http://www.its.uidaho.edu/facultycouncil
>Personal email: haggart@moscow.com
>Personal home page: http://users.moscow.com/haggart
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Vance Roy" <gigli.saw@virtualnewport.com>
>To: "culturechat" <culturechat@untours.com>
>Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 11:23 AM
>Subject: [Culturechat] CH Smoking
>> Many CH Idyllers have commented on the number and age of CH smokers.
>> This is apparent to all of us, especially the number of young women who
>> smoke as a "fashion statement".
>> It looks like the government has noticed too. A campaign has been
>> started by the Federal Council to target young smokers. The tobacco
>> epidemic, as it has been called by the department of health, leaves only
>> Hungary and Greece with more smokers in Europe than CH. The Swiss spend
>> nearly 5 billion CHF per year in anti-smoking measures. They plan to
>> increase this to 10 billion by 2005.
>> A tax of 57 % will be placed on tobacco products. This is the level
>> recommended by the EU, but the Swiss tax is now only 52 %. This would
>> increase the cost by between a half and three quarters of a CHF.
>> Limitations on retail outlets, advertising, and age of legal purchase
>> will also be enacted. Those under the age 16 would be prohibited from
>> buying tobacco products.
>> Even if you are a smoker, I do not believe that anyone in this day and
>> age would encourage a young person to begin.
>> --
>> Vance C. Roy
>> gigli.saw@dplanet.ch
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