[Culturechat] Fw: Swiss Outing

Hal Taussig HT@untours.com
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 18:31:03 -0400

Bob Miller's walk in the Gasterntal is in a valley which one Untourist 
called Yosemite without tourists. And the Holzer apartment is highly 
recommended because of the first class hosing done by the Holzers.
Hal Taussig
At 09:56 PM 8/16/01 -0400, Robert W. Miller wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:rwm1029@chartertn.net>Robert W. Miller
>To: <mailto:culturchat@untours.com>Culture Chat
>Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 9:07 PM
>Subject: Swiss Outing
>One of Hal Taussig's objectives with the Untours is to promote cultural 
>relationships with the countries we visit.  This past July we made our 
>ninth visit to Switzerland (sixth with Untours) and had a chance to learn 
>a bit more about the culture.  In 1999 on our last trip, a brother stayed 
>with the Walter Holzers in Kandersteg.  Mr. Holzer was very kind to my 
>brother and took him on a ride around the surrounding area.  Part of the 
>trip was to the Gasterntal just outside Kandersteg where the Holzers have 
>an ancestral chalet.  The oldest part of the building was built in 1615, 
>and it has been added to over the years.  It has been in the Holzer family 
>for over 100 years.
>During our July trip we lead a group of 28 members (and family) of our Old 
>Timers Hiking Club (of northeast Tennessee) using seven apartments in 
>Kandersteg and one in Fruitigen.  It occurred to me that Mr. Holzer might 
>be willing to give our group a tour of his family chalet, and when asked, 
>he readily agreed.
>We made reservations on and rode the minibus from the railroad station to 
>the end of the valley at Selden and then hiked back about 300 yards to the 
>Holzer home.  Mr. Holzer met us there, gave us a history of the home and 
>the valley and provided refreshments.  The information gave us a better 
>understanding of Switzerland, it's history and customs.  Some of the 
>ladies rode the bus back to town but the rest hiked the approximately 
>seven miles back.  A beautiful and educational outing.
>Bob Miller

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